Wednesday, April 01, 2009

2nd year anniversary@Telkomsel

April mop for all people today but not for me. Hmm was just memorize that today was the 2nd anniversary of my carier as account manager in Telecomunication industry @ Telkomsel, one of the market leader celluler corporation in this country. Honestly im proud to be as it in dynamic and very fast moving growth industry while we ve been sued to keep on running…..~No sleeping at all…~pffff

@2007 in the same day today . Thats was my first day and I remembered those days still in my mind perfectly configured I was being introduced as junior professional basic to all division in Region office, area office in Makassar as my home base for sure.Horouble and scary days to me in my taught as it was uhhh probation months is the most being nightmare to new comers!

Spent whole one months in Makassar as trainee but being ignored also, that last 30 days wasted away tht I m not learnt anything and being felt nothing and useless as I can't do nothing, no seniours to guide and teach all people buzy wth their works!Yup u need to rockin by uorself independently learnt!! that’s Telkomsel until after 30 days being silly trainee employee after that sent u away far to the real job to the real war battle...

"Manado" written down in the LOC tht I hav been signed as I will work there don’t know till when (only God knows and sure Mama Laurent maybe lol ) till present im still here . the same designation and yup but today here im after 23 months being dumped here ( but enjoyed alot also ) …yup got new me…see the details of the new me :

1. Being miss brace now ( ortho) actually its not comfortable at all but just old resolution just reached by this year …losing weight due this ortho project also…

2. Will having my passport hahah its also old resolution as gift to my bday in
advance ( @May->pls send some gift!))

3. a bit different look perhaps geting wiser hm or older ha ha not tooo much!

4. Some gadgets used to be just a dream now in hand, wht a gorgeous life!

5. Flying here & there cant remembered my tiers miles in my card

6. I losted my best fren/gank as one by one they get married and im still single, something changing….we cant deny it..!its a pity sometimes but im still happy …

7. For carier life im trying being better in my designation each days its hardwork and never gonna be easy …keep on running for the best,still far away from a perfect but try to be ;-)

8. Some intl dating, im enjoying being global citizen ,,and my old dreams come true

Eventhough still single but soon will change this status, pls anyone can help me for this change? ( Ping me@my BB PIN 24041BEA or siti.csalim@gtalk :- ill wait ya babe!)ha ha ha im not a desperate single girl ok but honestly im really happy for such awesome life brought me, and enjoy my every sec life <em>c'est la vie!!

Those 8 points are perhaps quite enough to describe myself for now being 2 years here… hm its being great 2 periodes hm soon ill be increasing my grade and my level and a better financial hopefully can save much for my big dream still in pursuiting..
Being In Manado for 23 months …great but my weakness I stil cant hardly memorize all the road and the map of the city..the rest im loving it!!!

Wht a life!!DJ…..wishing u a happy 2nd year and all the best for me :-) Keterangan :

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