Chinese style, indonesian, traditionals and many others
from exclusivly design one till the most commonly design
from the most uniqely till the most simple one
Through emails, sms, internet ( scraps,facebook walls, networking sites )
some announce it like president to all the people
medium level announcement and few of them on top secret wedding (will announce to you after they already hav kiddo!or sms u after wedding and show up!)
plus suprising me via sms text after wedding he he what a LIFE!!!!! and i will be saying like ""oo ooww!" with shocked face!
Anyway one of the wedding card contain this words hm honestly i like this not common in my country :-)
The Bride said i choose you to be my partner of life and :
1.i promises to clean up the vessels, cut the vegetables and clean up the house
2.i promise that i will never forget our anniversary on our birhday (hm ..)
3.i promise that i will never look at any other girl. (hahaha ,,hope so!)
the bridgroom reply i choose you as my partner of life and :
1. i promise to learn to change the car tyre & wash it( hei i can do this SWEAR!)
2. comfort u when the India looses cricket match and party wth you when it wins(not sure about this i ll prefer do this for watching Indonesian badminton match & 99% must be WIN ha ha ha ha!!ill guarantee make u comfort!)
3. Promise not to shop to often ( not pretty sure ha!)
Hm in Indonesian wedding card we rare to find such things ....
anyway others wedding invitations very inspiring me one of from India and one from Indonesia
1. This chocolate bar two thums up!!!

caution: after get this invitation choco eat it n never put it to ur trash, coz Rohit & Bandana will cry :-)
2. Prepaid simcard design of my best fren invitation card
its extremely like a pacakge of one prepaid simcard of our company product
too bad can not show u here, let c if i can scan it soon
wedding card, wedding card and another wedding card ,,,, will share next tym if there will be more uniquely design oopss where is mine anyway ..still design which name will be there :-) Keterangan :
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