Ohh its an extreme dislike to passing by infront of this store…just alike wth pointbreak also due its gonna be hardly heart breaking when I was passing the exit door due bankruptcy felings, my pocket get torn again .. with hands in chest n promised to myself not to come back after 2 months ..as hoping no more big disc season or plis why this store still open here in Manado, he destroy all my financial planning theory n practically as im try harder know to manage my financial life hoping for better life in the future wth –e-book learning from 2 famous financial expert of Indonesia Mr.David Chiang n Safir Senduk dat I have huge books of those 2 experts at hum.ohh situated in very prominent front outlet in Manado Town Square as one famous mall from only 4 malls dat exist in this city. Everyday on the way to office or back home I have to pass boulevard area..as all malls here ..ohhh its tough to become not living compsumtif anyway oops..its being 9 months I was here since sent posting my company..n my financial problem.. actually its good earns for single living like me but in Manado… oh this PS Pointbreak become temptation to me as environment here really supported to living hedonism, office atmosphere, jobs and sure supporting by debit BNI card as our payrolls account dats truly make u effortless scratching this ATM Card in mostly all merchants n store all over the city esay to use anytym ur shopping lust comes out ..ughh so comeback to PS store ..ohh me n my frens “labunroco” crew nevr had strong wise mind to refuse to ignore the SPG calling whn we passing by almost everyday we go to mall….as we find our dinner there or somtym just passing by to get J-Co donuts smells so gr8 n the manager also hmmm very kindred melancholy man that known us so close cuz Manado is small city … not just PS but Studio 21 also offer lots new movies n sure Café Oh Lala wth the hot chocolate, and Solaria wth those nice couch inside dat we love to eat there n sure hypermart as supermarket for monthly shopping miscellaneous and all ..sure dats why we loved MANTOS the abbreviation manado Town Square that’s all there one packages from movies theatre, singing karaoke room, score hang out place, shopping, n alst I got my receipt from planetsurf u can see here just 3 items but ohhhh too many 0 after dat no. oh God! Oh I promise no more shopping after 2 months forward SWEAR !!For God Shake!n 4 my financial future!!!hiks... Keterangan :
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