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Telkomsel Charity events & Xmast Telkomsel Events

Pitto oh Pitto
a Friend calls DeeJay
Hari ini Dj dtg dr outbondx di Bandung. Dengar ceritax, semua penderitaan fisik & mental berhasil dilalui, aq & Ina makin kagum sosok sahabat yg satu ini. She 's one of our role model. Salah satu sosok wanita yg sangat tangguh & mandiri. Dia bisa sesukses skarang krn smuax dilalui dgn tabah & positive thinking. Mulai dr kerjaan yg gajix 2500/hari, tiap hari pulang tengah malam, badai panas & hujan pun dilewati, bahkan spenyakit yg hinggap ditubuhx bukan halangan bagix untuk menuju sukses. Walopun sempat kena ambeien pas ujian deplu, fun-fun aja tuh dilaluix, malah sempat lulus 2 kali sampe tahap akhir.Kalo mw bcerita tentang Dj, ga bakalan cukup satu halaman, malah cerita tentang hidupx itu harus dibukukan saking bykx pengalaman hidupx...ckckckc...Dj..Dj..seandaix aq bisa punya satuuuu aja dr positive act mu itu...
Written by pitto posting@2007 in :
I copy this few sentence about me fr my besty blogs with titles “a friend calls DeeJay(its my nicks 4 my besty fellow) dats touched me so deeply inside as we v been around 6 of us become 5 tough gal n 1 boy as we had all good n bad tym tgther in diff path of life!4 many years since high scholl till get tru corporate world while my heart in fragile about wht had happens to my works, losted my spirits sometym n feels upside n down due this hustle n bustle life then ill try to gazing this one paraghraph to recover my spirit dats im worth enough n I was counted somthin in this worlds….
First tym reading this i drop my tears too deeply (thnx pitto)anyway she which also inspire me to write blogs, artikel n also my pattern role model in few path of life, she is gr8 journalist, fun to b wth, tough n smart gal, love to sleep in any momentsL now co-incidently after leftin our last carier as journalist of dailys in Makassar last 2006 I went to banking world 2 years n she is in Consumer Goods intl company about almost 2 year yess she got selected in PLN ( Indonesian Electricity comp)as best shine of her carier n replaced in Manado as I was selected in Telkomsel n my posting place also in Manado, eversince we had rock this area till yesterday she is announced to temporary posting in Kotamobagu, small city,district 6 hours by car fr Manado…hikss hopefully just temp posting so we ll back tgtr in Manado, pitt wil miss u much ..sist!!:-(
Ill post about my 5 other besty in Makassar in one posting.. later one maybe 2 pages will be pretty decent to tell the story of our adventure n our lifes

a Friend calls DeeJay
Hari ini Dj dtg dr outbondx di Bandung. Dengar ceritax, semua penderitaan fisik & mental berhasil dilalui, aq & Ina makin kagum sosok sahabat yg satu ini. She 's one of our role model. Salah satu sosok wanita yg sangat tangguh & mandiri. Dia bisa sesukses skarang krn smuax dilalui dgn tabah & positive thinking. Mulai dr kerjaan yg gajix 2500/hari, tiap hari pulang tengah malam, badai panas & hujan pun dilewati, bahkan spenyakit yg hinggap ditubuhx bukan halangan bagix untuk menuju sukses. Walopun sempat kena ambeien pas ujian deplu, fun-fun aja tuh dilaluix, malah sempat lulus 2 kali sampe tahap akhir.Kalo mw bcerita tentang Dj, ga bakalan cukup satu halaman, malah cerita tentang hidupx itu harus dibukukan saking bykx pengalaman hidupx...ckckckc...Dj..Dj..seandaix aq bisa punya satuuuu aja dr positive act mu itu...
Written by pitto posting@2007 in :
I copy this few sentence about me fr my besty blogs with titles “a friend calls DeeJay(its my nicks 4 my besty fellow) dats touched me so deeply inside as we v been around 6 of us become 5 tough gal n 1 boy as we had all good n bad tym tgther in diff path of life!4 many years since high scholl till get tru corporate world while my heart in fragile about wht had happens to my works, losted my spirits sometym n feels upside n down due this hustle n bustle life then ill try to gazing this one paraghraph to recover my spirit dats im worth enough n I was counted somthin in this worlds….
First tym reading this i drop my tears too deeply (thnx pitto)anyway she which also inspire me to write blogs, artikel n also my pattern role model in few path of life, she is gr8 journalist, fun to b wth, tough n smart gal, love to sleep in any momentsL now co-incidently after leftin our last carier as journalist of dailys in Makassar last 2006 I went to banking world 2 years n she is in Consumer Goods intl company about almost 2 year yess she got selected in PLN ( Indonesian Electricity comp)as best shine of her carier n replaced in Manado as I was selected in Telkomsel n my posting place also in Manado, eversince we had rock this area till yesterday she is announced to temporary posting in Kotamobagu, small city,district 6 hours by car fr Manado…hikss hopefully just temp posting so we ll back tgtr in Manado, pitt wil miss u much ..sist!!:-(
Ill post about my 5 other besty in Makassar in one posting.. later one maybe 2 pages will be pretty decent to tell the story of our adventure n our lifes

1 comment:
terharuku baca tulisanmu yg ini ces. Hikz. Banggaku nu link blog ku.
+kagum ma lagi sm kau. blog-mu pke bahasa inggris. seandainya jagoka juga bhs inggris....
smangat ko ces!!!
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