Saturday 8 th of march 2008 early by 7 am I already wear my sports shoes, training spacks n wear my Telkomsel golfer hat as today there is farewell golf games for KAPOLDA North Sulawesi ~the no.1 person in North Sulawesi Police department MR. BRIGJEN DRS. JACKI ULY after 18 months leading here willmoved n his exchanging by the no.1 in charge now is Mr. BRIGJEN DRS DR.BECTO...., Msi, as usual TELKOMSEL always being one annually sponsorships on such events. And for the second tym on last 3 months here I m who must be there again 4 Tekomsel temporary outlet and branding as u guess there must be my old fren from banking institution or CEO of top company. Actually juts my luck again here wake up in early wonderfull saturday which suppose to be im still in my bed dreaming about my traveling around the world. Sure there I will be 7 -8 hours after the ceremonial winner as being annoucement..by they all guys playing im bz wth siting down, reading, sleepy on the chair near from breakfast table so here the problem starting, ill starting eat from Gogos, traditional Indonesian food, nuts, banana, bread , and yeahI just kicks my boring waiting for many hours by eat all of that kind breakfast…till lunch tym I also join wth them to recover my tummy fr singing songs….n startin badly coughing I just recover from bad flu yesterday n here im coughs like old woman..but I don’t care in case its gona be recover as im really proud of my stamina which always fit since 10 months in Manado still never go to doctor means im ok..so far little bit get flu n colds which recover by some pills dat I got fr medicine store is just usual to me..by 4 am I was back to office making my extra hours report as today is of n im working so I deserve to report to my boss in our system..so im starting to coughing n gt hardly to breath I say oh God I think I got allergic today I remember my doctor a year ago in Makassar said I got dust allergic, seafoods, eggs some certain things I frgot ..if I got too much get smokes then I will feel like asthma…oh yess bad 4me.. far from home…I don’t event know where is good trusted experts doctor here ..so by night ill get to medical store n asking bout my sickness the ladys who in charge there gave me a bottle syrup “ Bisoltussin” for relief of unproductive irritating cough sure ill took it by nite n still hardly cant breath till morning, was thinking I can be easily die alone here in this room if I wasn’t do nothing I called “jonathan’one of our cutey man who works also in the office to asked him go bought me KFC soups and rice as I don’t know wht kind of food I hav to took due I cannt eat anything wth fried , oily and anything its gonna be making worse my coughs so n bought me “new medicine recomeneded by my college frens who working in hospital.. decadryl syrop , as decongestan,antispasmodic and demulcent, here by tym 11 am yess jonathan has arrive with all my delivery order “thnx Jojo I love this cutey boy I always count on him in emergency case” after few hours I cant feling better still the same ..worstly I cant breath now ohh after wake up,l ie down n sleep on the chair I was called mom, sms all fresn asking doctor n hardly badly answer fr them”no doctors works on sunday”hh I will die if im not going to a doctor now so I call one of my room mates who stay in the same home accompany me to nearest hospital… just visit UGD room , here I was there get treat few minutes, I got 4 kinds of medicine including syrups for my coughs n soon get diner first then home,yeaterday till today I wrote this with painful cough n hardly cant breath like I wil die in few hours ohh cant sleep also so with al body get pain specially my backs n me head with dizzness, nausea, constipation and feels drowsiness but I cant sleep due I have to sleep wth gr8 ways as asthma sleeps way like head must be higher than the rest of the body so puts some pillows till 3 n lie down there …
Yess now I become realize again how priceless my health since 10 months I was here … I can play badminton, run , swimming and many things traveling its all the best gift from God dat sometime I frget to say thanks everyday will be realize dat when I got sicks again or visit UGD room where we can see all ppl get sicks in many kinds of sickness….while imagine al of this iv been in this room 20 hours n just sms all ppl n called also..n the most painfull feelings to me when missing our beloved person , we ll realize how much they care when I need treatment here I am far from them about 10000000 miles away when my mom just say "ogh dear plis take care of ur health nicely cuz mom cant be there easily as u far fr home", I think not the sicknes dats make me so fragile but the words….reminds me when im sicks then must be there my mom provide me soups , food, anything now.. ohhh bad!!!few close fren yess always be here but they also very busy wth works by this tremendous melancholy feelings my heart will saying inside”dats why u need a life partner as u can help u not only in happy moments as well sickness tyms or painfull, dats the different!yeahhh I know this words totally right as my grandma always said to me..!!!so here I am wth needs few days to recover I guess howver im stil must be go to office now as im here lots responsibility to finish try just sitting down n no outing some office anymore,.and only eat bubur..only rice n small veg on it..ohh bad its my grandma breakfast cereal!….hopefully 3 days enough than il be back normally today no badminton tym, n home by 5pm, this I promised to myself I love my body n soul now ….!!
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