Hello Blog!! whts upp!!! hai im back again writing wth so bz days facing ramzan and job as well ...here n there ...finally i got my 15 days off for the first time in my carier ...review 3 years back of workin profesionally..its only happen also due my besty wil get married 7 days after ied ul fitr....so ...lucky me new boss new caharcter then he approved my wishes for off so many days!!MIRACLE HAPPENS guys!!thnx boss i can rockin wth my frens after ied............
Here am wn review backs wht was changing in me in the periode of 3 years back my carier 2005-2008
new me
1.getting fashionista..little bit,,,not much!!!
2. Little girlie..ohh try to be ..!!
3. Getting mobile...fly here n there traveling for work etc..!!got airplane
memberships...will try to become Gold member!!
4. Miss ring ring too much due works for sure my bills getting 5-7x bigger then 2005
5. less sleep ..Now my bed tym starting by 12 midnite n awake by 6 am
6. getting long hair these days
7. starting to be aware wth beauty care, startin to visit beauty parlour as i
getting acne attack!!
8. Finally starting to love visiting coffe cafe eventhough i hate cofee for
socialize and get some ice cream or hot choco milk .!
9. Get gain weight ya about 49 kg now...more better for me then skinny..lol
10. Getting higher responsibility in job and for sure worth enough for better earning
11. Better earning ..higher bills and increasing credit card limit bcome platinum
Nothing change from long ago till now
1. Still high sense of humour
2. keep simple anything
3. alwys bring camera wherever im going
4. Love doing anykind sports but stil unschedule due too load of work
5. still love to riding bike....but not as much as a year ago.. now im bit lazy due
hot weather and traffic...
6. Still Quiz lover eventhough not as intense in many years back!
7. Love chatting always n always wherever the network there then il b OL
8. still writing...
9. Still always intouch wth international community...from pen friendships now cyber world fren...:-)
10. Still searching for ...............wish i can tell
so thts me now and 3 years before wht was get changing and which one still the same!!!
Keterangan :
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