Finally I can take my footprints everywhere now. Domestic travel its ok but soon ill fly globally I know that im sure u’ll see!!my footprints first time for sure is in my home native , Pinrang district.I was growth there till my age 13 yearsold I was sent to Makassar to study and continue my educations till grad from university, Makassar - Pinrang yess its become my routene route to visit my big family and also spent almost 10 years in Makassar till settled also and work there till 2007 mey 2008.By the way its my hometown also….all frens fr junior-high till university is there and my small home sweet home also there.
Now my third home in Manado as my company sent me here as u can see in my life journey in Manado also here so far so good…nice place to drop by and vacations..:-)
This job make me fly so many tyms in few months..now not only just in one province I m flying there and here Java, Borneo, Sulawesi..its just great things that while now feels like my favorites show “the Amazing Races” ha ha ..airport to airpot……………….!!!flying alone sitting in no 10A/F-11A/F is my favorites seats and sure whil flying with AIR BUS ohh damn cool wide ………and while enjoy knwing my next seats which is awesome handsome man!yehh sometimes bore sometimes fun!and tension in bad weather that whatss gonna happen if the plan got crush like in horror thriller movies :-D
Run away bring my travel bag wth lots luggage is my monthly activity….. fiuhh from the beginning its great but some others time its being so tired so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U can see my footprints in a few place there while I remember …and im sure one day………………..singapore, India, Thailand, UK, USA………..ill take my footprints there….my way now seems to be opened……………
Flashing back many years ago it was just dream. Now not anymore here im wth my travel bag and hand bag wth camera ready to fly everywhere ………………….i will put my foot prints in evrycorner of the world……………!!!Wait and see me…………………..Taj Mahal, Liberty statue, Big Ben, spinx , Eiffel ,, Eiffel Tower and Holy Ka’bah I will come to u ………………!!!!!!!!so far dreams are coming true!!!! Step by step honey ;-P Keterangan :
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