Long holiday of March 2008
Yess its being fantastic months for this March 2008 especially for vacation lovers, being enthu on get red calendar on friday so continue wth saturday n absolutely on sunday here u go u get 3 days off.on the 3 rd week by 20,21 is also red calendar here its thursday so its all become 4 days vacation 20th=Milad Un Nabi Muhammad SAW (For Muslim ), 21st For Good Friday for Christ and I guess its HOLI Day in INDIA, ONCE MORE ITS Water of the world days also so to all of u;…hence I was planning for hometown visit to Makassar but due logically reason about all my frens in Makassar was very bz wth their circumstance, their jobs, their family 4 those get married n my parents also told me to not too rush to fly back as maybe on april I ll hav job traveling again to regional homebase so I canceled my trips.In case its being long 3 days .In thursday I was on golf course do driving class, starting at 7 am n being coached by one ceo of bank which also become my client at office, hm I don’t event hav my own sticks ..wht a shame! Lucky me, met my colleagues as also my senior there so we play tgether n sun after got burned by sun ahinw3 hours n sweat all over n get free drive home , thnx to my besty pitto which giv me accompany. The same days in da afternoon went to swimming pool. The next days friday go to Mall to Mall hang out, Shopping and ending wth watching Indonsian Movies wth my frens on saturday spent a few hours at office for just reply emails and filing n signed some papers works n in the afternoon hang out wth old frens in Mall again meeting some new guy , an enchanted man for one of my frens said so!:-) for me not really.Then went home.On Sunday wake up lately lazing around on the afternoon Swimming again woow I think I will regularly swimming as I was reg as member on one cozy hotels …!this tym met Holland tourist that talk too much n share alots , n met wth Korean Businessman that an able to speak English, race wth me on the fool n ya I was losed. No problem , yeah going swimming there make internationalized, each visit met diff nationality ..cool njoy their chat wth weirds English accent make me stunning 4 couples minutes to grab the point of the conversations. Sure got new fren .Hm its being such fun n njoyfull week ends to me!Fun, do lots sports to make healthy body n soul so can njoy balance life!isnt it gr8!Swimming no.1 now, badminton no.2 ckckck!

Keterangan :
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