See this pic? I wear wonder woman looks so ridiculous absolutly correct wth the name od the divisions Crazy Account Manager (CAM) its true now , this moments 19 th of dec 2007 in Jakarta, during my annually year national meeting as also gathering for celebrating the hits KPI target of the year as our division did an excellent year hitting the target whole nation and sure this events to celebrating all of that wth title ’CAM Rising Stars ” which there is one night specially dedicated to awarding the best account manager and many category of best of best wth awesome doorprize, gadgets stuffs..remind me for the Oscar award in Holywood which using red carpet in my party also using exactly almost the same, but too me wearing this wonder woman custom is truly suffering, not enjoy whole party, all participants like me using cartoon and movies starts custom, its too sexy too me actually n ha..ha I don’t like to using it hence it’s a must to me to come , its just yeah meeting all my frens all over Indonesia wth this unique custome is an quite awesome experiences n sure sharing pain n joy for our jobs and sure get the door prize n join the games n ending wth playing crazy n rush adrenalin in dunia fantasi Jakarta, shopping as always become an compulsory things in traveling/meeting list ha..ha and lesson learnt-->is using heroes custome, doing traditional dancing performances wth my regional homebase team n one day practicing make just messy dancing I ever had in front all ppl…fortunately im not alone, im wth my senior.S o proud also as one my senior winning the best AM allover indonesia, won alots category , sure lots door prize, ipod, phones, and sure money n voucher…dats why I really love my company so muchchchc..:-) and next year must be different theme event again for sure anyway I still keep the wonder woman custome, just to keep as I had a become a wonder woman for that moments and in the office I eventually still hav that trademark due many reason… however dream come true I was become super hero for one day wth real custome and attributes and I was on the stages and did signing the wall of fames exactly like Hollywood movies stars wth walking to the stages wth lots blitzing by the camera of paparazzi and put the signature in the wall, hm its absolutely great moments !unforgetble memories..!!l
Monday, April 14, 2008
Wonder Woman
See this pic? I wear wonder woman looks so ridiculous absolutly correct wth the name od the divisions Crazy Account Manager (CAM) its true now , this moments 19 th of dec 2007 in Jakarta, during my annually year national meeting as also gathering for celebrating the hits KPI target of the year as our division did an excellent year hitting the target whole nation and sure this events to celebrating all of that wth title ’CAM Rising Stars ” which there is one night specially dedicated to awarding the best account manager and many category of best of best wth awesome doorprize, gadgets stuffs..remind me for the Oscar award in Holywood which using red carpet in my party also using exactly almost the same, but too me wearing this wonder woman custom is truly suffering, not enjoy whole party, all participants like me using cartoon and movies starts custom, its too sexy too me actually n ha..ha I don’t like to using it hence it’s a must to me to come , its just yeah meeting all my frens all over Indonesia wth this unique custome is an quite awesome experiences n sure sharing pain n joy for our jobs and sure get the door prize n join the games n ending wth playing crazy n rush adrenalin in dunia fantasi Jakarta, shopping as always become an compulsory things in traveling/meeting list ha..ha and lesson learnt-->is using heroes custome, doing traditional dancing performances wth my regional homebase team n one day practicing make just messy dancing I ever had in front all ppl…fortunately im not alone, im wth my senior.S o proud also as one my senior winning the best AM allover indonesia, won alots category , sure lots door prize, ipod, phones, and sure money n voucher…dats why I really love my company so muchchchc..:-) and next year must be different theme event again for sure anyway I still keep the wonder woman custome, just to keep as I had a become a wonder woman for that moments and in the office I eventually still hav that trademark due many reason… however dream come true I was become super hero for one day wth real custome and attributes and I was on the stages and did signing the wall of fames exactly like Hollywood movies stars wth walking to the stages wth lots blitzing by the camera of paparazzi and put the signature in the wall, hm its absolutely great moments !unforgetble memories..!!l
Monday, April 07, 2008
Resign & Recruiting
Its Pretty quite Experience to me these few days being shocking by resigned letter of one of my admint staffs thus make me hectic wth lots stints of administrations , arrange n call n recruiting new staffs is pretty wel amazing to me deeply as I felt myself stil too junior to doing this , try to to figure it out n reading others mind fr just outlooks n body language yess hardly needs maybe sharply thinking n gazing tru eyes contact.However yess after almost 4 days searching got 1 good n willing to work now I m truly understood now hows the process.n lesson learnt today, never judge people from outside as proverb s says “don’t judge the book from its covers” , I did well new knowledge of few programs dat last whole 1 year I never get experience whil I hav adminst doing it in years back and yess n teaching or do transferring knowledges is not that easy case, need high enthu n high patience ….!!was amazing grace to a our teacher in the world.Its Truly honour n noble prestigiouse job!salute to all the teachers in this world ! im nothing also without u all…!

Friday, April 04, 2008
Photoshop class
Akhirnya setelah lewati proses nego panjang dapat juga guru private les photoshop untuk ktrku, dengan bantuan rekan ktr kami ber- 7 sekntr bljr kyk sekolah lagi bermodalkan laptop msing2 akhirnya foto2 pun akhirnya jadi korban praktik photoshop kami, mgr ktrku trmasuk sgt pro aktif dgn brbgi kgtn n penuh ide kreatif yg selalu membuat saya kagum, energy yang luar biasa, ide yang tak pernah kering, mungkin itulah memang yang dibutuhkan dr seorang pemimpin, di perusahaan swasta seperti kami yang hidup dinamis dan tak pernah diam terus diburu target, tak ada kata istirahat, langkah kaki pun harus cepat, semuanya harus cepat, sngt berbeda dengan perushaan negeri yang kalau saat kunjungan dinas atau dlm wktu apapun kdg aku tercengang saking terharu dan damainya, jam 9-10 mereka duduk adem di halaman depan ktr masih sempat ngopi n baca Koran bahkan bergosip ria sedang kami ini sudah bergeliat diluar jam 9 untuk probing, prospek, presentasi, meeting dan lain-lain, jam 4-5 pm kami baru aja tiba diktr duduk bernafas cek email n menjawab complaint eittss sudah jam 8 mlm, sudah wktunya main badminton .iets perut sudah rasa lapar sekali, sudah makan pulang ke kost itu pun nonton lagi sampai jam 12 tengah malam baru tidur besokNYA JAM 6 am bangun lagi…dats my Life cycle hingga 26 tahun ini dan almost berkurang lagi nih, oh semoga setiap hariku bisa dimaknai dengan baik oops n back to photoshop class ohh ternyata susah juga kalo tak ada sense..of art nya he.he.. kayaknya sense of art ku terkikis banyak jadi susah focus nya…! L(alasan! otaknya aja yang mulai tumpul:-D)

Thursday, April 03, 2008
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