I guess this year I am giving too many gift for my self :-P
Some stuff I mention before, oh ya and sure the trip that many years before I am alwys wanted to do, Omra trip + !!
I don't know seems this year become my year, 3 years back I'm always planning it for omra trip with my colleagues but alwys fail for many reason.
This year, I decide I will go with or wthout them nomatter what!! And then on May during my birthday I was in Jeddah and Dubai, no text wishes, no calls or email because I was off from my work phone :-) !!
Even my group umrah frens don't know at all about my birth day! Another way to celebrat birthday!!
Shopping in Dubai, take pic, make wish in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Madinah..ya dream come true !!
Believe me, even I visited one of my best friend in Makkah, they come to pick me we are having Arabian lunch and even the mother give me a gift, another hospitality of Al Haram Land, many surprise and good things happening here, met also my another friends..doing many sillaturahim is good...
Ya alhamdulilah.. My life is Brilliant..
Next trip inshallah is Turky...hopefully I can go another Umrah + Turky next year
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