Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hati Tentram Dengan Speedy Monitoring

Pernah kah anda merasa was-was ketika sedang berada dikantor sejak pagi hingga petang sedang di rumah anda sedang kosong? atau pada saat di rumah orang tua anda sendirian? atau si kecil buah hati anda sedang di awasi hanya oleh pengasuh baru? atau rumah anda ditinggal untuk berlibur sedang tetangga tidak bisa memantau isi dalam rumah anda setiap saat? atau saat anda merasa was-was ketika keluar rumah apakah sudah mematikan kompor atau elektronik lainnya yang potensi menimbulkan bencana kebakaran dan lainnya, atau mau mengawasi hewan piaraan kesayangan anda di rumah sementara anda sibuk bekerja di luar rumah.

Mungkin yang terbesit dalam pikiran anda tentang saat membaca tulisan ini akan otomatis menjawab tentang video surveillance kamera “CCTV” ( Closed Circuit Television ) seperti yang ada di setiap tempat umum yang perlu pengamanan khusus ( ATM, Bank, Kantor ) ,atau teknologi “online monitoring” ? “monitoring rumah”. Topik inilah yang akan kita bahas dalam postingan kali ini.

Beberapa pertanyaan diatas adalah jawaban dari solusi pertanyaan di paragraf pertama tadi.Kesemuanya itu adalah berbagai solusi yang kemudian ditawarkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan penyedia video surveillance atau video pengawasan. Mengapa itu sangat perlu bagi seorang ibu rumah tangga atau kepala keluarga yang sehari-harinya sibuk bekerja di luar?. Karena faktor rasa nyaman ini akan memberikan rasa aman dengan rasa aman berdampak pada hasil pekerjaan semua lancar, gaji lancar, untuk pebisnis, perasaaan tentram membawa kelancaran rezeki.

Nah dari situ kita bisa lihat dampak dari pentingya rasa aman dan ketentraman hati dalam melakukan keseharian aktifitas mencari rezeki. Untuk menunjang dan mensolusikan keamanan dan ketentraman tersebut PT TELKOM dengan memberikan solusi layanannya.

Solusinya adalah Speedy Monitoring. Apakah yang dimaksud degan Speedy Monitoring ?

Speedy Monitoring merupakan layanan pengawasan (surveillance) dimana Anda dapat melakukan akses live dan recorded video tentang kondisi tempat yang Anda inginkan (rumah atau toko) secara real time menggunakan web browser yang terhubung ke internet.

1. Hasil perekaman video tersimpan diserver kami dan Anda dapat mendownload hasil perekaman kapan saja.

2. Anda dapat melakukan pengelolaan terhadap hasil perekaman (kapasitas storage) yang Anda miliki.

3. Anda dapat mengakses kondisi rumah anda dari jarak jauh melalui mobile phone atau dengan menggunakan mobile application (tersedia untuk smartphone Android, iPhone, dan Windows Phone).

Speedy Monitoring memungkinkan Anda untuk menangkap, merekam, dan memonitor suatu ruangan atau area tertentu dengan menggunakan IP Camera yang terhubung ke jaringan Speedy. Oleh karenanya layanan ini dapat Anda nikmati dengan menggunakan jaringan Speedy. Bisa mengakses hasil monitoring dari kamera Anda melalui web browser. Tidak hanya itu saja, pengaturan masing-masing IP Camera juga dapat dilakukan melalui web browser.

Untuk media penyimpanan data jangan kawatir, hal ini akan ditangani secara terpusat sehingga si pelanggan hanya perlu menyediakan kamera dan tak perlu repot lagi dengan urusan penyediaan tempat penyimpanan data dan penyediaan server. Layanan Speedy Monitoring merupakan layanan diatas internet paket Speedy Unlimited. Bisa dinikmati fitur menarik Speedy Monitoring dengan berlangganan paket Speedy mulai kecepatan 384Kbps.

Dengan semua manfaat yang bisa diberikan untuk beri rasa aman ini, ternyata setelah dicek paket pricingnya pun masih sangat terjangkau, bisa dibandingkan dengan belanja kita untuk keperluan lainnya. Bayangakan saja, berlangganan layanan Speedy Monitoring ini perbulannya bahkan sama dengan budget pembelian gorengan sore hari dikantor anda tiap hari, bahkan ada paket free dengan syarat hanya jika anda dirumah sudah berlangganan Telkom Speedy,mudah bukan ?. Dan ada beberapa layanan pilihan tergantung jumlah kamera yang diberikan dan juga storage yang tersedia dan durasi rekaman bisa per tiga hari sampai per tiga puluh hari. Sedangkan manfaat yang bisa diberikan untuk anda sangatlah luar biasa.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, bisa dilihat di scheme pricing dibawah ini:

Package Price Speedy Monitoring

*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku

Dengan melihat paket harga diatas sudah bisa disimpulkan nilai yang anda bisa bayarkan dari tingkat rasa aman anda yang menurut saya sangatlah murah dibanding jaminan manfaat yang anda bisa dapatkan dari produk speedy monitoring ini.Jika anda merasa kurang AMAN, Kapan anda tentukan aman untuk hidup dan bisnis Anda? Jawabanya ketika anda sudah menggunakan layanan Speedy Monitoring dari Telkom Indonesia. dan pastikan hidup anda selalu aman dan damai, Jadi tunggu apalagi segera register dan Selamat ber-“online home monitoring” ya.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A lazy cat

Every morning i find this lazy cat sleeping in the red carpet lazing eventhough people just walking around next to it

I dont know where she/he has been last nite lol

Maybe this carpet so warm and comfort him/her in this rainy season !!

ohh Caty oh Caty !!
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mari Lestarikan Air Bersih

Air, mungkin sebagian besar dari kita hanya menganggapnya sepele karena kebutuhan akan air tersebut terpenuhi. Namun coba kita tengok ketika musim kemarau tiba, dan pasokan air dari PDAM (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum ) yang satu-satunya perusahaan daerah yang memonopoli distribusi dan produsen air bagi seluruh warga Indonesia ini akan sangat kurang bahkan tersendat bahkan tidak mengalir, menyebabkan masyarakat mencarikan alternative sumber air seperti sumber air tanah melalui sumur bor dan lainnya.

Selain tubuh kita yang terdiri dari kandungan air 75 % nya, air juga sangat vital dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mulai dari mencuci bahan makanan, mandi, mencuci pakaian, memasak dan tentunya untuk keperluan minum sehari-hari.

Teringat kembali masa-masa sulit mendapatkan air bersih ketika saya dan ketiga saudaraku masih tinggal di rumah kontrakan saat masih duduk di bangku SMU, sepuluh tahun lalu saya tinggal di salah satu sudut kota Makassar di dalam lorong kecil yang bersahaja, kebetulan sebelum tahun 1998 kami yang kebetulan dikirim orang tua untuk bersekolah disini belum punya rumah sendiri, masih di kontrakan, nah dirumah kontrakan kami itu untuk mendapatkan air bersih kami harus memompa air tanah yang kadang ada dan kadang kering. Itu hanya untuk keperluan mencuci dan mandi, sedangkan untuk keperluan minum dan memasak saya atau kakak-kakak saya harus bergantian di saban sore ketika pulang sekolah untuk mengangkat dua buah ember 10 liter dari rumah tetangga yang berjarak 25 meter dari rumah kontrakan kami. Masih teringat jelas betapa letih dan berat mengangkat dua buah ember itu sampai di dapur kami untuk memenuhi sebuah baskom besar berwarna biru yang memuat 100 liter air cadangan untuk memasak kami.

Bapak Tetangga itu menyediakan keran di depan rumah yang mengambil sumber air dari PT PDAM dan kami membayar per ember nya saat itu sekitar Rp 200,-/ ember .Demikian juga tetangga kami melakukan hal yang sama karena tidak semua rumah di tempat itu berlangganan air dari PDAM, kebanyakan mereka mengambil air dari sumur bor.

Bahkan saya masih ingat ketika musim kemarau panjang, dan pasokan air PDAM juga kurang dan tak mengalir, biasanya hanya mengalir di malam hari dan kadang kami harus bangun di jam tengah malam untuk menunggu keran bisa mengalirkan air.Karena di siang hari sendiri semua penduduk kota ini menggunakan air dan tentunya pasokan PDAM sangat terbatas, jadi saat itu saya sangat mengerti bagaimana pentingnya air bersih bagi kami.

Kini seiring waktu berjalan, untuk komsumsi dirumah saya tetap menggunakan dua alternative sumber air.
1. Berlangganan PDAM yang kemudian saya tampung dengan menggunakan tangki air sebesar 600 liter yang saya simpan di atas dapur saya, sehingga akan memudahkan saya untuk penggunaan makan, minum, mandi dan mencuci tiap hari. Kenapa juga saya harus pakai tangki? Karena di lokasi rumah saya sekarang pasokan air PDAM hanya akan lancar ketika malam hari dan tengah malam sehingga kebiasaan saya tiap malam akan memenuhi tangki air untuk komsumsi esok harinya.

2. Air bor, hanya digunakan ketika tangki air habis, dan juga untuk kebutuhan seperti mencuci mobil, menyiram tanaman, mengepel dan lainnya.

Di wilayah kota saya sebenarnya baru 62 % yang bisa dilayani oleh PDAM , sisa 38% warga masih menggunakan air tanah. Nah berdasarkan fakta bahwa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih untuk 1 orang per hari dibutuhkan 125 liter, bisa dibayangkan berapa kebutuhan air yang dibutuhkan masyarakat setiap harinya, ini masih lingkup kota Makassar, apalagi jika di hitung untuk seluruh negeri ini.( sumber )

Saat ini pemerintah kota Makassar mencoba mensolusikan permasalahan kelangkaan air bersih ini dengan membangun Instalasi Pengolahan Air yang bersumber dari beberapa sungai di sekitar kota Makassar bahkan pemkot Makassar mencoba menggandeng investor asing untuk membantu pengelolaan air bersih di kota ini.

Sebagai warga masyarakat sebenarnya kita pun bisa turut andil untuk membantu pemerintahan untuk menjaga kelestarian sumber air untuk masa depan kita dan anak cucu kita, mulai dari hal kecil dirumah adalah langkah terbaik untuk kita segerakan, beberapa langkah yang bisa kita lakukan adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Menggunakan shower di saat mandi, ternyata komsumsi air menggunakan shower lebih hemat dibanding menggunakan gayung dari kolam/bak atau ember.

2. Menutup rapat-rapat keran air yang telah digunakan, setetes air diakumulasikan dengan jumlah tetes yang tertumpah di seluruh penduduk Indonesia saja sudah bisa mensuplai kebutuhan sumber air bersih bagi beberapa daerah di Indonesia yang sering mengalami kekeringan, bagi orang lain akan sangat berharga, jangan ada sampai kebocoran keran, pipa atau selang di rumah.

3. Cermat penggunaan air saat cuci mobil, biasanya saking nikmatnya bagi yang hobby cuci mobil sendiri akan sangat menikmati menggunakan air dan menyemprot sebanyak-banyaknya namun sebenarnya bisa bersih tanpa harus banyak membuang air.

4. Jika perlu gunakan water purifier untuk memastikan sehat dan sterilnya air yang dikomsumsi kelurga tercinta anda dirumah.

Untuk langkah menjaga kelestarian air yang bersifat umum sebagai berikut :
1. Jangan buang sampah sembarangan

2. Hindari membuang sampah plastik yang tidak bisa terurai di sembarang tempat akan merusak ekosistem tanah sehingga daya serap tanah akan berkurang.

3. Tanamlah pohon walau cuma sebatang, sebatang pohon akan memberikan andil menyimpan air dan ikut memberi sumbangsih akan kelestarian air di masa datang, apalagi jika punya lahan luas yang ditanami pohon akan sangat berguna bag bumi ini.

4. Tidak membuang sampah di sungai, demi terjaga nya kebersihan air dan tidak terjadi pendangakalan sungai yang juga merupakan sumber serapan air bersih untuk di pasok ke Instalasi Pengolaha Air.

5. Untuk yang punya hutan/kebun ya, hindari penebangan pohon secara liar, biar menjaga cadangan reservoir air lewat hutan

6. Untuk yang punya lahan melakukan reboisasi hutan akan berpengaruh pada cadangan air dibumi ini.

Walaupun negeri Indonesia ini adalah negera kepulauan yang memilik garis pantai yang sangat panjang, bukan berarti kita dengan semena-mena berbangga diri untuk dengan kelimpahan air yang ada, faktanya di beberapa propinsi dibagian timur Indonesia masih menderita kelangkaan air bersih di saat musim kemarau.Bahkan sebanyak apapun sumber air yang anda, seiring pertumbuhan penduduk maka kebutuhan akan air pun seiring berjalan.Segala sumber daya di alam ini akan punah ketika kita manusia lengah dan tak peduli. Mari kita mulai dari diri sendiri dan hal terkecil yang kita mampu, hal kecil akan sangat berarti untuk melestarikan tetes demi tetes air bersih yang akan menjaga kelangsungan manusia dan mahluk lainnya di bumi ini.
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Friday, December 14, 2012

Why I decided to play tennis ?

Tennis, long time ago I never interesting to learn to play this sport, why? Because when I always see the racket seems it so heavy to hold I better choose badminton racket then tennis racket!more over to swing and hit the big ball, I rather swing badminton racket!!

Fortunately at october 2011, one nite my peer at office called me that I has to be join tennis competion to represent the woman team for our company as no others option ( I am the strongest woman in office maybe (◦'⌣'◦) !!! )
I hardly refused that as my yess answer will make our team can be joined in this competition!!

As I said to them I don't know how to play, moreover I don't know hit the ball, they said they will teach me a day before!

By rush hour and all our busy schedule I just got in match day, and some friend tried to teach me how to hold the racket and hit the ball, and I SWEAR that it won't be as easy as u seen on tv!! Need a long time just to learn how to hold /grip!! Its totally different from badminton!!

Guess what had happened in the tennis indoor stadium...I am become the worst tennis player ever maybe in this earth!! The old lady even almost hit my head with the ball !! And I falled down to ground and what a shamefull !!!

Feeling like I wanna just run away from the field and dissappear!!!
And the last next days still I never play better!!

And we loosed the game!!
By that time I swore that I will learn and able to play for the next year game!! Since then I join my company team to play 2x a week and also we pay a professional coach to train me untill now I'm playing on and off as I am also have busy schedule of working, only outer city trip which made me not join the 2x exercise a week or any urgent matters!!

Now its being 12 months, maybe around. 75 times exercise day with my coach..and I am the only girl survived in this team, some come and go, even the man!!

For the last 3 months I am bit happy one of my junior which having probation in my town here consistenly join us and now he is playing better but soon he will leave to his designation town then I will be the single player for playing!!

As you senn on picture, the old man but powerfull energy is my coach and the other is my colleague!!

Somehow I felt desperate when I am not playing as good as my coach wanted !!!

And for all kind of sports that I have tried, golf, badminton, diving...biking..., tennis is special case need long time to learn the theory and consistently time for practice!!

Even me need a year just to learn how to hit the ball and the right grip and many others!!and even now I my self consider still so slow in my progress...

However I keep practice to balance my life for sport and sure keep my body healthy and fit...for a long life to go!!!

I wish my future husband one day can join me to play here !!!

My dream is I can play normal like others player and can beat someone he he!! ( Revenge my sad story at november 2011)

So anyone wanna accompany for practice??,,!! (◦'⌣'◦) !!

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I don't know exactly if i am the only feel that this two picture have similarity!! or i am wrong about this!!

Please Do Comment !!
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Thursday, December 13, 2012

New Calender 2013

27 days to go we again will face the new year !!!

i just got new calender, new agenda book !!ohhhh time to review old whistlist and make new one !!

Time goes by so fast baby!!
so keep running !! see you in finish line :)
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pretty Number !!

Another good number / date for special function !!! Happy wedding to all who get married for today !!
may this date become a special momorized moment ever !!
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Monday, December 10, 2012


Brrrrrrrrr, pasti terbayang betapa dinginnya ya kalau salju-salju itu turun di Makassar ....

Pengalaman bermain di arena bersalju di tahun 2010 saya sempatkan bermain ban yang di luncurkan dari atas, maklum diriku ini typical manusia yang dibesarkan di iklim tropis dari lahir pas ketemu es menggigil nya minta ampun...

Pas seluncuran dan bermain sempat kebelet dan kencing di celana, tidak banyak sih tapi ya basah lah ( ih jorok ha ha )....ya namanya juga dari iklim panas ketemu es ya kebelet donk, sehari hari saja saya sangat tidak suka menggunakan AC kecuali sangat panas ya, kalau dikantor otomatis tidak bisa nolak soalnya AC central kalau dirumah cuma kamar yang ada AC itupun di pakai kalau panasnya naik jadi 35 celcius dibawah dari itu masih bisa leyeh-leyeh pake kipas angin....

Ndeso ya haha...ya saya suka Indonesia karena cuacanya cuma hujan dan panas, adem lah dibanding harus musim gugur + salju setinggi di foto ini ihhhh terbayang berapa baju yang harus dipakai tiap hari...

Foto ini diambil hari ini dari balcon sebuah apartment di New Brighton, Minnesouta , USA...dengan cuaca -7 celcius bo!!!!!


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Sunday, December 09, 2012

Snowy !!

New brighton, MN- USA.....,,,!!

It must be very cold, wondering what's gonna happen if Makassar have this cold weather !!!

#day dreaming

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Wednesday, December 05, 2012

For My Iphone

I bought this some days ago, as I usually have habit to make skype call while go to work with someone outhere.
Its just another quality time to talk while I'm drive my car to work everyday as after that I will be busy, for long distance relationship openly communication is a must so this gadget really help us in build the chemistry for sure talking+video is much better then chatting only!!

And this really help me not to drop my iphone for many time in a day, another things I need is bluetooth headset so no more wires distract my concentrate while driving and talking as well.

Anyway I also need this the most while using map in iphone, so this is really worthed to have !!

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Free Gift !!

Alhamdulilah, early morning i got free gift from the credit card company !!here as you can see i dont even know better what's that for!!

As usual the credit card company will send you a voucher which you can get the gift only by bring that voucher + showing ur id card + credit card!! But will not that easy as they wil do prospecting you from all the product they have!! Took about 1 hours listening the SPG try to explain at least 5 product and even i enjoy sitting in their very expensive massage chair costly usd 40.000!!

I did passed my exam today which mean i went out from their store with only bring the gift product and smile!!

As am consider myself as lady which fully have high financial awareness !!!
I hope so *_* !!
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Thursday, November 01, 2012

The Moon

Full moon from Minneapolis sky tonite!!!
When i look at to my sky, Makassar sky the moon is hiding under the cloud as today is mid day here and we are ocean apart and half of the world aparted !!

What a wonderfull world !!
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Friday, October 19, 2012

Exalted !!

That's so sweet, my eyes become wet when i got this !!not because i am scare to die but no one ever told me before and made me touched and exalted !!

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Wednesday, October 03, 2012


Finally i had my GMC ( General Medical Check Up ) again this year after some years i didnt do it.

So Many reason i have to do this :
1. Its has been abt 3 years ago my last GMC
2. Keep healthy and fit and to know more about my body inside outside.
3.Healthy is another treasure of life so more then money so i must always priority for this. You can buy anthing but being healthy isn't something that you can buy.
4. Another senior co worker had comma since yersterday from bad stroke and he need brain surgery operation for that and even untill now he is still in comma.He seems to be healthy, fit, active and sure we can say enough money to enjoy good life and good food but seems he is missed to take care his health and lifestyle, so i will not let myself and careless for my health and body eventhough i felt already so fit having 2x playing tennis a week + riding bicycle once a week.
5. We have the medical allowance from my company include this GMC so why i am so lazy to do this!

So will wait till 2 days for result so far all good! Hope i can enjoy this short life in always healthy and fit condition!
Quota for today is Health is not everything but everything is nothing without health !!!

So be good to your health!!
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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

My 2nd airmail this month

Had facing a pathetic and tired day from work and tennis field, while entering my tiny home I found this white envelope in the table.

When I read it and see it clearly, wow all my pain and my tired feeling had been erased and become joy, surprise again!!
Monkey sent me his second airmail...

Reading it and make my day so happy..
It's just my bundle of joy for today...
Can't describe by words!!

Its only an airmail but deeply touch me, exalted!!
Now you can imagine if I got a bunch of flower he he!! Or a big gitf maybe a car keys lol !!! we may say I am a dreamer but I'm not the only one !!!

So hope more surprise to come at my door !!!!

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Digital counter

Replacing the old tasbih which similar like bracelet or necklace to digital counter but now getting smaller like you just need to use like wearing a ring and more lighter and smaller and colourfull

i have some colours which i can use as my mood and according to my colour dress today :)

that's another stuff i brought from KSA last May !!

What the use for ? hm you can count anything with this but for me i use it to do dzikir in my daily activity

what is dzikir ? oh okay then googling it by yourself :)
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Monday, September 03, 2012

Monkey + Moomoo Sr

see that's Monkey + MooMoo
Seems they are match each other

Hope they will always be like this forever !!!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Is there any one have Green eyes!!this pic taken cover of best seller book

Guess which book?
Dunno whats the correlation between Green eye with the contain

I got it, its mean when you see the money you eye turn colour in to green as full of desire lol because the book about how to speed up your earn !!

Im sure about it !!!

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mudik / Going home episode

Its suppose to be i posted before ied, here is the picture of my luggage for going home mean going to my parents house as i am single and every year for ied season till this age i am always celebrate with my parents, as my mother is the eldest daughter from three so every ied will become destination to come home by her sister ( My aunty"s)

Oh ya this year now i drove my own car with my only younger brother "king" to my parents home 210km from my home.
I started at 7.10 am with speed min 60km - 110 km reached there 11.45 am !

Its broke my own record of driving!!
And i think i am still good for that ! Maybe i can become a cab driver in my free time lol

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Beautifull Ring!!

Passing by in one store n find this and snap it! Wishing to have one soon!

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Still empty

Having a long holiday after ied in Indonesia even after 3 days still all instutions/ corporate/ public services still closed.

As also you can see my parking place still empty. Then all is mine he he !!

i enjoying workinf with less people around, feel i can do more concentrate and focuss and relax!!

next monday will be back to normal and holiday is over !!
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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sms international

Here another example of sms/text international which I got when ied days, as I am graduate from International Relations major at university, still I am attached with some international friends since many years ago even until now.

This one is from Malaysia,one good friend which still communicate through internet or sms, last time I met in Malaysia 2010.

For me "friendship is never ending" most of all he is my muslim brother too.

Still today I got ied greeting text from India, UK, and some Asian country.

Some of my story about my international friends can be make in a one good true story book, I am looking for director or publisher which want my story :-)

Anyone intrested?

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Last Tarwih in 1433H

Finally as usual I have the chances to having tarwih in my parents place
My hometown, my place of birth
Every special occasion I must be here
As I am still don't have my own family so still celebrate ied with my parents in my parents home.

Enjoying a good meals, and meeting a nice friendly people, family and relatives!!

That's the meaning of Ramadhan to me beside all the good things on it

Hope can meet another Ramadhan on next year

Aameen !!!

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012


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Thursday, August 09, 2012

Being so Late !

Was slept away since 11 pm last nite till around 8 am, which is the longest sleeping time ever I got this year moreover in Ramadhan, no sahur anymore but still I'm on my fasting.

Rush by morning and see what time I finally sit in my chair in office :-)
Anyway my boss was on remote area trip lol so always my lucky day!!

Somehow one or two time u did something, which make you normal like others ..... That's my self defence today lol

Happy friday everyone !!!

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Wednesday, August 08, 2012

E learning

No more episode for roaming in Jakarta for training and shopping till drop after class :(

Because now all the Training class atended in E-class by sitting in your own chair, although it is eficiency for the company but for us the employee, losted the chance to chilling out and refreshing somedays in HQ office.

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Tuesday, August 07, 2012

My Dream house !!

isn't it cool house ? Yup exactly as cool as the price, maybe its gonna be 3x my old house price!!

Think hard to re-new my house, need more space now, can't breath sometimes to see all stuff in small place

Plan to have another new tiny house, but I need big room please!!!!at least 4x5 metres.In all brochure of this house from smallest type till the most luxury one all the room so small.
If I plan to buy small type again means I will have problem in daily financial, my income will be also only for paying those 2, and what I will eat? He he...more over when I have small family, and plan to have kids 2 oow !!my financial awareness for having property come arise but won't be good for my daily food, my kitchen daily life operational cost need money too!

Then let's say to universe " I want bigger house which have 4-5 rooms, one for my parents when they come and guest room and for kids, with a nice bathroom !!"

And the universe will say " your wishes is my command" !!!
Will find away to get it, Insha'Allah إن شاء الله‎, welcome in my new home :-)

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Monday, August 06, 2012

A gift from a best friend

Thanks Pit, cool bracelet !!

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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Nice bathroom !!

Another a nice bathroom, not mine, belong to a new hotel in this town.

One day will have this one at my own home, planning to find new home and start to build it with my own desire ...

That's my wish!!
And someone will say "Your wish is my command !!"
#hoping !!!

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Friday, August 03, 2012

Do you have kid ?

New Employment just come to our division, a very young boy with innocent face one afternoon after busy work, we sat in office and discussed about family matters A ( New Employee ) : Miss Siti, how many bro n sis do you have? Me : Oh i have 3 ( 2 big bro, 1 young bro) & 1 big sis and im no.4 A : Woow we are excatly the same, i am no . 4 too Me : Really ? cool, how old your little bro? A : Ohh 21 Me : wow me too ( #amazing face ) A :Miss Siti, when you are born ? B( My others friends ):Ohhh she was born at 1986 A : Wow we are the same again A : Do you have kids? Me( staring his face ): Kid ooh ya sure i have 3 ( Pretend serious look ) B : Ya sure she is he has 2 kittens + 1 Hamster at home A still confused : Ohh now we are different he he he B : Ohh come on she is SINGLE never Married yet how she have kid she only can have cats by now ALL OF US laughing after that ^_^ !! Ya maybe i must make have kid soon or maybe for now i will buy a persian cat to get adopted as my baby lol
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Thursday, August 02, 2012

My favorite Corner

When the world getting crazy
When the problem comes to you
When all seems become blur
When seems the burden getting heavier and make you crawling in the darkness

This corner will be very peacefully
Forget about your "duniya"
Focuss and your creator the Almighty
And get ablution and pray
Ask and let the Almighty do the rest for you

Sometimes "duniya" make you forget your ultimate goal to be created on this earth, so settle your time for a moment to always have time for praying, reflect your life and live it up in good manner of the Deen told us and Get ur duniya and akhira together ...

And I am try my best for it, even till now I'm on struggling for that

Insha'Allah إن شاء الله‎,
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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

My future Desk !!

Wish soon buy new house and set the desk face to the window and enjoy working from home , my dream !!!
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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bank India Indonesia

I just find out if this bank is exist in my town here, my indian frens must be very proud of this :-)

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Momo

That's my Momo and Momo need Monkey from Minnesota....

Soon they will meet..
And let's see Momo and Monkey will sit together there..soon..

Will wait for you Monkey...

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Another Quarterly meeting

I spent 3 days to work on my slide pesentation, last nite i slept at 5 am and wake up at 7 am for 26 slides which seems this gonna be my 21 st time plus many tentative meeting....

To do this !!

Im done now :) so can enjoy the rest of meeting

Now i miss my big teddy bear n need pillow as well ^_^
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

My 2010 and 2011 wishes list!!

Every new year I always make new list for every things I wish in that year.

This some point taken from my window in my flat window in Manado..
Last year

Let see one by one..
Some my wishes already accomplished..
Cooking class it was on and off as I'm busy..., wearing hijab ya I did it after ramadhan last year, moving out from Manado alhamdulilah I'm leaving Manado at July 2011 more early 5 months that my wish :-)

Have money abouts usd 100,000.000 hahaha maybe I already have it if I'm calculate money all the money comes and go including my credit card not yet anyway I have at least for managing my financial life I'm not that bad!!

More saving? Yaa I m try my best, more giving..oh I am alwys try !!

Another one get P..? What's that P?
My Prince? Even me forget what's the P was....

If its comes to getting my prince ya maybe a bit late,delayed !! but now I'm sure I have found him :-) my big teddy bear ...I love u

So summary 95 percent target of the wishes list is done

Let see my 2012 wishes list !!
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Keep your shoes shining

Before entering the main office of one big mining company in Halmahera Island you need to keep your shoes shining!!

Last year trip just have time to upload he he !!!

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Birth Day Trip

I guess this year I am giving too many gift for my self :-P
Some stuff I mention before, oh ya and sure the trip that many years before I am alwys wanted to do, Omra trip + !!

I don't know seems this year become my year, 3 years back I'm always planning it for omra trip with my colleagues but alwys fail for many reason.

This year, I decide I will go with or wthout them nomatter what!! And then on May during my birthday I was in Jeddah and Dubai, no text wishes, no calls or email because I was off from my work phone :-) !!

Even my group umrah frens don't know at all about my birth day! Another way to celebrat birthday!!

Shopping in Dubai, take pic, make wish in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Madinah..ya dream come true !!
Believe me, even I visited one of my best friend in Makkah, they come to pick me we are having Arabian lunch and even the mother give me a gift, another hospitality of Al Haram Land, many surprise and good things happening here, met also my another friends..doing many sillaturahim is good...

Ya alhamdulilah.. My life is Brilliant..
Next trip inshallah is Turky...hopefully I can go another Umrah + Turky next year

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Graduation Day for KING

Finally this little young man Mr King Abd Rahman Salim have his big day, graduation day for his bachelor degree as Engginering.. Or even I confuse what his major...architecture enggineer ..!!

For length of time study he took three years and 8 months wow he is very fast as he is entering the university at 2008,myself took 4 years for that!!

I think "King" is better then me on this case, still I remember when I carry him when he is still 3 years still also I memorize I alwys ride him to school when he is in jr school, or when we are struggle for put him in public school in town.

Now he is more taller then me, skinny, stubborn head !! And after having him as my only younger brother I have to be always being wiser for everything!

King, welcome to the real world!!
Make a good CV and go seek outhere and make money!!!

Congrat's My King *Kong !!

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My New Bike

Considering it just my belated birth gift from me to myself, somehow its weird but every year I buy some good stuff for my birthday no matter my friends give or not still I am happy because I can purchase and iam worth to get it
Last year I bought new ipod and iphone 4 for myself he he..

I was joining my cycling comunity of my company which at week end we riding round the green area in town, or somehow there challenge to go biking at uphill like Malino a week before.

Bike to work? Ooh I have n't try it because you know me very well, nomatter what my company will provide me free breakfast of green bean porridge every friday, but still everyday I go work with many stuff never being so light, laptop, camera and some cabels, can't imagine I have to carry all of those stuff in my back!ohh NO!

Maybe this friday let's try...
Hopefully will have life partner soon to ride bike together by the week end then only with my cousin or my cycling community the KomBaT !!

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fried rice by King

Went back from outer city with tired feeling, still I find my younger bro "King" at home which inside of bathroom for long shower.

Only after some time I heard him do something in kitchen while I'm still relaxing in my room, then after some minutes he take his motorcycle and say wana go out.

I went to kitchen and oow...
I found this fried rice for 2 plate..
The most simple fried rice ever
Anyway we are only the two of us in the house....that's one plate must be for me

I don't know what happened to him, maybe my mother already give him enlightment about being sweet younger brother he he..or he might be got enlightment from the Almighty or no idea....

Sometimes he become so sweet in another time arrghhh he become so stubborn untill you wanna give him "Jacky Chan kick"!!

King oh king..ya thts him my only younger brother :-)
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Sunday, June 10, 2012


The last four days my heart exalted, never being this happy before.

My prayers in Umrah have been answered :-) now I do believe that keep dreaming and keep praying for what you want.....inshallah the pray will be answer soon or later

I'm speechless, smiling, clumsy, and so happy .

One thing I remembered one of my best posting about how proud she is having me as best friend for all I have done in my life which shining for her, it was 3 years back. And in just about 4 days back someone wrote about me in his blog for 4 time, I'm speechless, just like you are flying high thru the seventh skies :-)

I alwys believe that "dream come true" I did it many times for some stuff I dream about, for some places I want to explore, for great job I love the most, my life is so wonderfull, and the last time also I do believe that you can also get your prince charming that you dream about, as long as you never give up to pursue and then let Allah do the rest by many way :-) He is coming knocking *_* after long time wait..!

June 7th 10.19 AM ,wasn't my B'day but my day. Time ticking since that..and hope for the best ..I'm try to keep my foot on the ground now..and make sure I'm not in day dream..

La Vita e La Belle... !!!
Let's hope for the best

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Friday, June 01, 2012

Happy bday to me

Another new age for me
Celebrated it in Jeddah and Dubai far from home
And its all different this year

Another new book from my company and sure some sentence from my VP

Happy bday To Me
Keep shining the world ;)
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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Pallu basa

Here it is,
The most famous menu in Makassar
Pallubasa ...

Be honest im not such lovers culinery of Makassarese except seafood !!

I hate fat !!

I came here due i got head ache for sime days due my low pressure blood
And one bowl is enough to re normal my head :)
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No more Fat !!

New habit
New life style
Eat for low Fat food
Red rice , more green vegetables, fresh fruit as snack
Reduce rice
No more fried and junk food
Because life is short the only way to enjoy to the fullest when you fit and healthy :)
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

New Habit!!

Sleeping with sock!!
Why? Just to avoid im scretching my own leg when im sleep and for sure safe from any insects bite lol!! Just like this way !!
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Reshuffle !!

Every end month need to do reshuffle of my purse and here they are what inside ...!!! Members card id and all about cards !!!
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Sunday, April 22, 2012


Im IN officially!!
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My New Hobby

First route about 40 km round n round, good quality bicycle will make this hobby more fun and for sure join with the bike community !! Many eligible single outhere also do healthy fun bike !! Happy Fun Bike-ing everyone !!
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My First Pancake !!

Anyway the taste isnt so bad at all !!
Another next trial will be best !!
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Monday, March 26, 2012

My New Dental Care

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Wanted !!!

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